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Singing with a Harp
By Patrice Haan
patricePatrice Haan

The neo-Celtic or levered harp is a diatonic (do-re-mi) instrument with a long history. Harps are found, in one form or another, throughout the world, in more sizes and shapes than almost any other instrument. The harp is one of the oldest instruments, found in rock paintings in France dating back some 15,000 years and known to have flourished in ancient Egypt. The harp played by the Irish and Scottish harpers of the old Gaelic order was an aristocratic instrument, played in the courts of kings and before the chiefs of clans and is still recalled in Gaelic culture, legend and folklore. About the 13th century, when feudalism reached its height, European harpers earned their living by moving from town to town, using small harps for self-accompanied singing, storytelling, news-telling and in instrumental groupings.

Harp and voice are natural colleagues. Both create singing in similar fashion: strings or chords move, and the resultant sound resonates through a sound box. Harp and voice can sing in unison or in harmony, using chords, single notes or colour sounds. Simple, elegant and healing, singing with a harp is also fun. Come and see. We'll look at a simple folk tune, a traditional song and a contemporary song. If you have a harp, please bring it, but having a harp is not necessary for attendance.

Patrice Haan has an ear for melody, a heart for feelings and a gift for lyrics. She combines it all into beautiful music, whether singing and playing her own songs or interpreting others' creations. Besides her intuitive and poetic harp compositions, Patrice is best known for her sultry and seductive vocal performances with the Oakland-based jazz ensemble Leftover Dreams. Currently performing with Healing Muses, a non-profit that provides music for healing in local hospitals, Patrice is also the past president of the Bay Area Folk Harp Society. As well as playing Celtic music on the lever harp, she has begun work on a second album of original songs, for harp, voice and other instruments.

Visit Patrice’s sites at